aim of the School is to educate workers for a life as well as for a living”,
from FTS Prospectus 1925-1926 and quoted in Poor
Man’s University: 75 years of Technical Education in Footscray, by Carolyn
Rasmussen, 1989. p.56
Thankyou to Kim Burrell, Victoria University Archivist, for digging up this archival message
Message in a Cup
Messages and stories of learning in Footscray are collected and then written onto the insides of one hundred handmade blue cups. The cups are placed in Footscray during BluScray events to be found by people and taken home. The project gives voice to peoples experiences and understandings of learning and shares these ideas with others in the city of Footscray.
Message in a Cup is part of BluScray, a program of blue-themed arts and cultural events held throughout 2016 to celebrate Victoria University’s Centenary in collaboration with Maribyrnong City Council for the Footscray University Town initiative.
Visit www.vu.edu/bluscray for more information #BluScray