Blog Archive

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Bekka's cup placed in lane to Madden Square - placement 8

Here is the unfired Bekka's cup

and now here it is in Footscray!

"Find something that inspires you and learn everything you can about it,
 then add your own voice to the discussion."

Its in the laneway that leads to Madden Square which is an extraordinary place because there are aerosol murals with slogans about community issues. This one behind the cup is shown in more below.

oh yes and these trees with knitted trunk warmers are by: the Knit into Action Project and are about saying NO to Sexual violence in our community.

 It was installed in the Footscray Mall last December by WestCASA .
It is a silent and  peaceful  protest of knitting  to raise awareness of the overwhelming prevalence of sexual assault and violence in our community. 
WestCASA  engaged Staff, Clients, a textile class from Gilmore Secondary Girls College Footscray, women attending Community Corrections and general community members in the knitting of over 600 squares. 

Support, dont punish is A global advocacy campaign calling for drug policies based on health and human rights 
Here's a link to their site so that you can see what they are about:

And then some wonderful Footscray advertising.
If you want a bargain, you will find it here:

Footscray was abuzz on this sunny sunday. Such a wonderful and interesting place!

About: Message in a Cup

Messages and stories of learning in Footscray are collected and then written onto the insides of one hundred handmade blue cups. The cups are placed in Footscray during BluScray events to be found by people and taken home. The project gives voice to peoples experiences and understandings of learning and shares these ideas with others in the city of Footscray.

Message in a Cup is part of BluScray,  a program of blue-themed arts and cultural events held throughout 2016 to celebrate Victoria University’s Centenary in collaboration with Maribyrnong City Council for the Footscray University Town initiative. Message in a cup was made by the artist Debbie Harman Qadri.

Visit for more information #BluScray

a very sincere thankyou to those people who became involved in the project, it was nothing without you.

this project was brought to you by:
Maxienne, Greg, Mick, Christopher, Greg, Alejandra, Jason, Lou, Dan, Nick, Rachel, Pauline, Anon, Carl, Jamal, Candice, Aaron, Catherine, Larissa, Jo, Geoff, Jocelyn, Danny, Jos, Bill, Brendan, Sasha, Rosie, Ethan, Kim, Jess, Kriti, Neha, Gaurika, Raman, Angela and Shenel. Crystal, Mankirat and Sonia, Dorothy, Marg, Tung, Davina, Marten, Lola, Adam,
Nick, Tamati, Molly, Ella, Dean, Viltor, Ella, Chantelle, Milo, Vanessa, Lynn, Sara, Austin, July, Aiden, Jack, Kristen, Liz, Kirsten, Ko, Ali, Sylvia, Raine, Bec, Ocore, Stjepan, Dan, Cathy, Rich, Iffat, Salma, Erica, Carolyn, O.H., Kellie, Suzanne, Annie, Cathy, Marnie, Michelle, Evie, Anne, Rhiannon, Pat, Mary, Liss, Neil, Gennivieve, Charlotte, Jacinta, Hannes, Maureen, Carmen, and Debbie.

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