Blog Archive

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The wonderful messages from drama students of Williamstown Highschool

I was very excited to receive these messages as they are extraordinary. I read some of them out to the twentysomethingyearolds that were whipping up a meal in my kitchen tonight and they were impressed and commented on the wisdom emanating from the young people.

The messages are also varied and candid
and are treasure!

Something to chew on and think about, they range from positive to negative, to both,
they raise issues and contradictions in the way we learn,

The messages present us with a snapshot of a cross-section of voices about the way young people think and feel about their educations.
Thankyou very much for sharing these messages and ideas with us.

Without school, we wouldn’t have any educated people who could keep our system running. No doctors no scientists, no lawyer. –Paul from Germany

"Everyone has something to learn. Everyone has something to teach." - Milo

I think learning is process of keep improving myself. Learning is for me not for anybody else. It's very important for me, if I can be a successful person depend on if I study hard or if I try myself best. – July

School. 13 years, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. All for what? Potentially gaining a career? No guarantee though.  _ Chantelle

I believe school is horrible, because we have to get up early. – Sara

‪Learning provides knowledge, and knowledge is power.

School is like a castle that protects you, teachers are like the warrior that train you, we are the soldiers to protect yourself in the future – Jack.

I am not going to express my grandfathers age as 2 to the power of 3. Maths is becoming absurd. – Lola

Learning provides young children with a future.

‪School and i have a love hate relationship.

Education is a tool to prepare you for the adult life that includes things as learning stuff like math and science but also things as learning to be independent. Schools nowadays focus too much on the math and science stuff and not enough on the rest, but that’s just my opinion –Viktor  from Denmark

Learning is  about expanding knowledge and gaining wisdom. – Ella

 School is a necessary stage in life, yet somehow manages to suck the enjoyment out of everything you used to like. School puts everybody in the same box and assumes you work the same way as the other hundreds of kids in their care. It’s important and opens up opportunities, but it should find a more inclusive way of doing so.  - Molly

I think learning is a necessary way to know something we don't understand. When i was a kid, i didn't understand why the leaves are green and why people will get old. From learning in school I know it's because of Chlorophyll and Oxidation. It is why i think learning is important. :) Lynn

Education is a good idea but the system is boring- Aiden

School teaches us many important things that’ll help us in the future, but it also teaches us many things we probably won’t need. Like does everyone need to know how to find x? And why do I have to stress about finding it even though I don’t care.

School is linear and the sole purpose is to make you one of the crowd, one of the many same faces. They do not promote us to be unique enough as the Arts are looked down upon on an educational stand point. Just look at how ATAR scoring works and how everything linear and boring may be the key to running this world but Art is the key of finding yourself.
Adam , 15

School could be the gateway to a job behind a desk, moving numbers or writing articles. Living a life with wealth and a big house. But is there really happinesss in a life dominated by possessions? -Nick 

I think education and learning is about learning about the different courses that school can provide for you, so that you can achieve many life goals and follow what you want to do once you have finished school. - Ella


About: Message in a Cup

Messages and stories of learning in Footscray are collected and then written onto the insides of one hundred handmade blue cups. The cups are placed in Footscray during BluScray events to be found by people and taken home. The project gives voice to peoples experiences and understandings of learning and shares these ideas with others in the city of Footscray.

Message in a Cup is part of BluScray,  a program of blue-themed arts and cultural events held throughout 2016 to celebrate Victoria University’s Centenary in collaboration with Maribyrnong City Council for the Footscray University Town initiative. Message in a cup was made by the artist Debbie Harman Qadri.

Visit for more information #BluScray

a very sincere thankyou to those people who became involved in the project, it was nothing without you.

this project was brought to you by:

Maxienne, Greg, Mick, Christopher, Greg, Alejandra, Jason, Lou, Dan, Nick, Rachel, Pauline, Anon, Carl, Jamal, Candice, Aaron, Catherine, Larissa, Jo, Geoff, Jocelyn, Danny, Jos, Bill, Brendan, Sasha, Rosie, Ethan, Kim, Jess, Kriti, Neha, Gaurika, Raman, Angela and Shenel. Crystal, Mankirat and Sonia, Dorothy, Marg, Tung, Davina, Marten, Lola, Adam,
Nick, Tamati, Molly, Ella, Dean, Viltor, Ella, Chantelle, Milo, Vanessa, Lynn, Sara, Austin, July, Aiden, Jack, Kristen, Liz, Kirsten, Ko, Ali, Sylvia, Raine, Bec, Ocore, Stjepan, Dan, Cathy, Rich, Iffat, Salma, Erica, Carolyn, O.H., Kellie, Suzanne, Annie, Cathy, Marnie, Michelle, Evie, Anne, Rhiannon, Pat, Mary, Liss, Neil, Gennivieve, Charlotte, Jacinta, Hannes, Maureen, Carmen, and Debbie.

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